You are here: 51. Introduction to Distribution Training Manual > 51.13. Goods Receiving > Goods Received with a Delivery Docket Uncosted

Goods Received - With a Delivery Docket (Uncosted)

To enter a delivery docket received with inventory:


Micronet displays the Goods Received screen.

  1. Enter a Supplier Number or select a supplier from the list.

Micronet displays the Goods Received header screen.

  1. Complete the following mandatory fields when receiving goods with a delivery docket:





Delivery Docket

Enter the delivery docket number.

  1. Select PROCEED on completion.

Micronet redisplays the Goods Received screen.

  1. Select LOAD P/O to select purchase orders to receive.

Micronet displays a list of outstanding purchase orders for the selected supplier.

  1. Select the purchase order to be received by pressing Enter.

Micronet displays the items appearing on the purchase order in the Goods Received screen.

  1. For each item loaded into the Goods Received screen, confirm that the quantity received matches the actual quantity received into the warehouse or store.

The Balance Amount and the Receipt Amount in the Goods Received screen will not be equal.


Technical Tip

The information you load into the Goods Received screen updates the Inventory master files in MDS.

  1. Complete the transaction by selecting FILE | POST UNCOSTED.

Micronet posts the transaction.


Technical Tip

When an invoice number is entered in the Invoice Number field, the information you enter in the Goods Received header screen updates the Creditors Ledger transaction files. You must always POST COSTED when an invoice number has been entered for a goods receipt.

When a delivery docket number is entered in the Delivery Docket field, there is no update to the Creditors Ledger transaction files. You must always POST UNCOSTED when a delivery docket number has been entered for a goods receipt.

You enter data in one field or the other, never in both.